
The 7 Hottest Job Roles in Dubai

There is a high demand for skilled professionals in the UAE and there are more jobs than people to fill them. With new job opportunities opening up all the time, it can be hard to choose where you want your career to go. This article will take a look at 7 of the most in-demand job roles in Dubai so that you can find out what’s available and decide on your next steps.

Accounting and Finance

While the accounting and finance industry is not always considered to be one of the most exciting, it can certainly lead to an interesting career. With many companies moving towards automation in order to cut costs, there are plenty of opportunities for accountants who are looking for something more than just crunching numbers all day long. This includes responsibilities such as analysing reports and data so that the company can make informed decisions about future strategies. You might also have a hand in developing financial models or managing budgets!

IT Specialists

With the world moving towards technology, we now depend on it for pretty much everything. IT specialists are in high demand because they work with businesses to ensure that their infrastructure is always up-to-date and able to handle both new projects and existing workloads. There are many different specializations within this industry so you can choose exactly what interests you most; whether that’s working with software engineers or creating your own applications!

Project Managers

A project manager (or PM) manages resources like people, money and time during a specific period of work which has been assigned by an employer. They must make sure that all tasks are completed successfully before deadlines using any appropriate methods at their disposal while also keeping costs low enough to keep the project profitable. This role is very versatile and can cover anything from managing a team of software developers, to coordinating the construction of an office tower!


Engineers are in high demand because they have essential skills that are required for many different industries when it comes to both large-scale projects as well as small tasks. Core areas include civil engineering (roads, buildings etc.), electrical & electronic engineering, mechanical engineering and chemical engineering so you need not limit yourself if you’re interested in this field!

Human Resources

HR professionals work on everything from recruitment processes through to pay structures and performance reviews while also being responsible for legalities like policies and contracts. As well as having excellent organizational skills, you must also be able to resolve problems peacefully in order to keep the workplace functioning smoothly!

Sales & Marketing

Having marketing experience can help your career out immensely; especially if you’re looking for a company that is willing to give opportunities based on potential rather than qualifications. Good marketers are creative thinkers who understand how businesses work while being organized enough to manage large projects . This role varies depending upon whether or not you stay within one particular industry or branch into different markets so it might be worth considering other aspects of sales before making your final decision.

Customer Service Officers

A customer service officer (or CSO) works with both external customers as well as internal staff members in order to support the smooth running of a business. This includes activities like resolving complaints, offering product or service information and even dealing with inquiries via phone call or email . It’s important that you have excellent communication skills as well as being able to empathize with customers so they feel valued throughout their experience!



Different ways to search for a job in Dubai

Dubai is a populous city, and there are many different jobs available for people who want to work here. In this blog post, we will discuss different strategies that will make your search easier and more productive.

Get in touch with your friends and family

If you have friends and family members who are already living and working in Dubai, then the first thing that you should do is to get in touch with them to find out if they are aware of any job opportunities. There is a very good chance that they will have similar positions available in their own firms that match your qualifications and skills.

Try looking for jobs through social media platforms

Many businesses post job vacancies on social media platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook. While searching for your dream job in Dubai, make sure that you visit the social media links of companies that you wish to join to find out if they have any vacancies.

Do not rely on a single job search website

There are many job search websites these days. Make sure that you do not rely on a single popular job search website and explore as many as you can. Some of them will have better listings than others. Moreover, every job search website will have listings from different companies. So it is worth it to spend some time searching for jobs in Dubai on every site you can find.

Visit job fairs in Dubai

Do not forget about job fairs as well. Job fairs are an excellent way to find opportunities that you would not have been able to find online, especially if the company that’s hiring is not too big. At a job fair, you can talk to a lot of different companies and find out what they are looking for.

Get help from a professional recruiting company

If your search comes up empty, consider using a recruiter to help land an opportunity with top companies in the United Arab Emirates. Recruiters have access to listings that are not posted online. This makes them worth reaching out to if you don’t have any luck on your own.

When applying online or through an agency, make sure that your resume is optimized so it stands out from the crowd. Employers receive hundreds of resumes for each job posting, so yours needs to be exceptional if you want them to consider hiring you.



Here’s How You Should Dress Up For A Job Interview!

Job interviews are nerve-wracking, but you can greatly increase your chances of success by dressing for the occasion. The first impression that people have of you is affected by how you dress. This blog post will help give top 8 job interview dressing tips so that you can be prepared and confident when it comes time to do your interview!

Consider the dressing habits of your prospect employer

Every business has its own dressing code. You can easily select the right dressing for your interview by researching the clothes their current employees wear for work. The type of business will also help you choose the right dressing for your interview. For instance, if you are going for an interview in the banking industry, then the right dressing will be very different than what you can use for an interview in the entertainment industry.

Dress according to your appearance and personality

When choosing what to wear for your job interview, make sure that you select something that would compliment your appearance and personality. Consider your height, complexion and body type when choosing a dress for your job interview.

Try wearing something that could relate with your jobTry wearing something that could relate with your job

You can successfully increase your chances to be selected by dressing according to the job that you have applied for. A suit with a nice tie will be the best option for an interview for a sales job while a colorful and stylish dress will be the best choice if you are going for an interview for an upcoming drama.

Your dress should be neat and tidy

You should be very careful about your dress when going for a job interview. Try not to consume any food or drink that could spill on your dress before the interview. Make sure that there are no stains or dirt on your dress as it would leave a very bad impression. Try not to sit in postures that could spoil the look and appearance of your dress before the interview. Avoid places from where you could get dirt on your clothes.

With the tips mentioned above, you are surely going to be dressed for success in your interview!


Effective CVs: Tips for Writing a Great Resume

The first impression is the most important, so it is essential to have a great resume when applying for jobs. You want your CV to stand out amongst the rest and show off what you can do for potential employers. It is easy to get lost in all of the details on how to create an effective resume, so we have compiled seven tips that will help you craft a winning resume.

Tailor your resume as per the job description

One of the most important things that you should do when writing your resume is to make sure that it relates to the job description. You must read the job description very carefully before writing your resume. You cannot send the same resume for different job roles and positions. Make sure that your resume is properly tailored according to the job description.

Keep it concise

Remember, no one is going to hire you only on the basis of your resume. A professional resume will ensure that you will be shortlisted for the interview. Writing a 5 pages resume will not help you secure a job. In fact adding unnecessary details in your resume can lead to rejection. You should write a resume that can cover your education and work achievements in a concise manner.

Remove irrelevant information and make everything readableInclude keywords from the job description

You can successfully increase your chances of being shortlisted for the interview by adding keywords from the job description in your resume. However, make sure that you keep things realistic and do not add any details that are incorrect or do not match with your qualifications or work experience. There will be so many applicants for the same job, which makes it very difficult for HR professionals to go through each and every resume in detail. Adding keywords from the job description will grab their attention when over viewing your resume.

Remove irrelevant information and make everything readable

Your resume should be readable. You should use the right font and font size when writing your resume. If you are going to submit a hard copy of your resume, make sure that each and every word is printed correctly and is readable. Also, make sure that you do not add any irrelevant information in your resume.

Create a professional looking layout for your CV

There are many resume layouts that are sure to grab your attention. You can find countless different layouts and designs for resumes online. One thing that you should keep in your mind is to choose a layout for your resume that gives a professional look to your CV.

Now that we have discussed the different ways to make your CV stand out, make sure that you implement these points too when applying for a job!


The Best Tips for a Job Interview to Maximize your Chances of Getting Hired

Do you have a job interview coming up? If so, then congratulations! It is very exciting to be in the process of landing your dream job. Following are some tips that will help maximize your chances of getting hired.

Dress for success

Wear clothes that represent who you are and do not try to play it too safe. For example, if you typically wear jeans and a nice shirt at work, dress more formally when interviewing with the intention of impressing your interviewer with how professional you can be.


Conduct research on the company before hand and know what they do or sell. This will make it easier for you to impress them when they question you on your knowledge of their business.

Be on time

Do not be late. Punctuality shows that you are dependable and can be trusted to do your job well. It will also make a good impression with whoever is interviewing you, as they will most likely see the effort that you put into arriving at their office on time.

Be personable

Answer all questions with integrity and honesty and if asked about weaknesses or failures, always try to turn them around. Show how much confidence and enthusiasm you have for the position by smiling throughout the entire interview. It doesn’t matter if you are nervous or not, it will make a positive impression.

Ask questions

Do not be afraid of asking insightful and intelligent questions about the company. This shows that you care enough about the job opportunity to take an interest in what they do as well as how much research went into their business before pursuing employment with them. Take notes during the interview so that afterwards, when reflecting on any information given throughout by either yourself or your interviewer, you can refer back to these notes for further study prior to submitting follow up or thank you emails/letters.

Thank everyone

Remember, there is more than one person who interviewed you even though it may have only been one person. Send a handwritten thank you card or email to everyone that interviewed you. This shows your appreciation for their time and consideration of hiring you; it also gives them something personal to reference when discussing your candidacy amongst themselves, which may end up in influencing the final decision they make about who will be given the job offer.

Don’t forget to follow up

Sending a brief but professional follow up email after the interview is beneficial because an individual’s name has most likely been forgotten by this point, since there are so many candidates being considered for employment positions at companies these days. This is going to help them remember you.